Teaching in China After ‘Double Reduction’
13 Dec 2022

What is the current TEFL and foreign teaching landscape in China, after the ‘Double Reduction’ policy and does it affect you? 




After the outbreak of COVID-19, many foreign teachers could not return to China for work, so you may not know much about the "double reduction" policy that China introduced in 2021. I'd love to talk to you about this today, and you might be asking: What does this have to do with me and what does this do to the foreign teaching landscape in China?

Let me tell you:





1. Definition: Simply put, the ‘ Double Reduction’ policy is to reduce the burden and pressure on minors' school learning and off-campus training, so that they can have a relaxed learning environment and a happy childhood

2. Impact: Under the guidance of the policy, the off-campus training institutions were comprehensively rectified, the extra-curricular training of all school subject-related courses, such as English, were stopped and many institutions that did not meet the regulations were shut down. 

3. Current situation: Large training institutions such as New Oriental Education, Xueersi and other well-known subject-related training institutions have significantly reduced the number of offline training classes and services. 



English is one of the most important subjects for primary and secondary school students in China, in fact, the foreign language that is usually tested in the ‘gaokao (China’s university entrance exam)’ is mostly English. So, it is very common for training institutions to hire foreign teachers to participate in extra-curricular teaching and classes. However, under the influence of "double reduction", training institutions must reduce or even stop the recruitment of foreign teachers... At the same time, many small and medium-sized training institutions cannot bear the pressure of funding and other aspects. And cannot renew the contract of foreign teachers once they expire. 


But all is not lost. Actually, this places even more importance on foreign teachers teaching in public and private schools at all levels. So, the advantages of TeachDiscoverChina have to be mentioned! We not only have a strong background of educational resources but can provide various kinds of rich job resources and a complete set of services.




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No matter what country you come from, as long as you bring passion, professionalism and talent, you can contact us to help you find the most suitable position in China! 


Check out plenty of our job positions via our jobs board: https://www.teachdiscoverchina.com/index.php?m=&c=jobs&a=jobs_list


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